
Showing posts from August, 2017

Falcon Athletic Club/FAC

Any Falcon interested in helping to plan fundraisers(dance, carwashes, jog-a-thon, etc), help decide what new equipment we need for PE, and participate in spirit events...WE NEED YOU!  The FAC will be holding monthly meetings at lunch in the gym.  All Falcons are welcome to join us.  We be holding a short meeting on Friday Sept 8th at lunch.  See one of the coaches for a lunch pass to the gym BEFORE lunch on Friday.  Hope to see you there!

Dressing out and PE clothes

We will start dressing out on Monday Sept. 11th.  Please make sure you bring your planner(where you wrote your locker combo) and PE clothes and shoes/socks.  If you have not yet purchased clothes, they are available every day at lunch at the Falcon Mart.  Shirts are $10 and shorts are $10.  If you do not want to purchase our uniform, any plain grey shirt and black shorts are fine.  Athletic type shoes are recommended.  Sandals, slides, and boots are considered a nonsuit.  BODY SPRAYS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL OR IN THE LOCKER ROOMS.

Volleyball and Football Tryouts

If you are interested in trying out for the TPJHS volleyball or football team, tryouts are Sept, 13th and 14th.  Meet in the gym after school.  An after school permission slip is required and available at student services.  Practices will be after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  There are after school activities buses available.  You must attend all practices.  Games will be played in October against La Contenta Middle School.


We are lucky enough to use the pool at Luckie Park for the first 2 week unit.  A permission slip is required and available from your Coach.  Please bring a swimsuit, sunblock, and towel.